Saturday, August 16, 2008

Accountability II

I am happy to say that I am 6 weeks sober today. Despite staying in hotels (which is a huge area of weakness) as I drove back to Atlanta from Phoenix and dealing with all the normal emotional triggers I have not acted out. One day at a time and slow and steady wins the race are my mantra's.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


No one addicted to pornography or anything else can hope to succeed without significant checks and balances in place. In that spirit I want to utilize this blog as a source of accountability. With the help of (my heroes) and my wife (also my hero) I am 5 weeks sober. I am committed to cutting completely loose from the strangle hold porn has had on my life. If anyone is reading this I could use your encouragement and words of wisdom. I will check back in more often to keep you posted on my progress. Thank you.

- josh