Thursday, December 6, 2007

Post Egypt Update

I have something I have been wanting to post since I got back from Egypt. I plan to get it on this blog very soon and I hope that it will clarify how I am feeling about sobriety, struggle, and what success looks like. For now I wanted you all to know that I have returned from Egypt with sobriety in tact. I wrote of my concern about being faithful to my wife with my eyes while there but, as usual, I was wrong. It was a total non-issue. Not to say that Middle Eastern women aren't attractive because they most definitely are but I was able to keep my eyes off of them and my mind focused on other things. In the absence of such an all consuming addiction I have had such tremendous clarity of vision and perspective and purpose. Its really encouraging to see what God will do with me when I get out of the way and free my mind and heart up to focus and serve him. Thank you to all who prayed for me and my trip. I am glad to be back but I am intensely prayerful that in a culture of moral apathy and beligerent sexual openess that I will remain true to my quest. I look forward to posting more soon and hope that you will stay connected. We need each other.